• Tailored and innovative solutions for an optimal security management

    In a more than ever integrated and service-oriented environment, ESI is the key technology partner to support your security business.

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  • Discover ESI Products

    The most innovative alarm reception and monitoring systems available on the market, foreshadowing the security market evolutions and integrating our clients’ needs.

    One of the most powerful and versatile tool for traditional remote surveillance, social care, lone workers protection, GPS tracking, IoT etc.

    SpaceControl, the ESI Group multi-protocol hypervisor, federating all your safety, security and building management systems through a single dedicated interface.

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  • ESI Expertise

    The 4 pilars of a successful project

    A team of experts and passionate people to support and guide you in your project:

    International, local engineers, big company, experience métier, accompagnement et conseils.

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With over 400 protocols in all of our products is a key solution available in whole or in modules.


By combining our network of partners and the latest computer technology security, you will have the epitome of safety.

24/7 Support

Our technical support guarantee optimal quality and responsiveness in French, English, German and Spanish 7/7 24/24.


With an experience of over 20 years, the majority of our French resorts are APSAD and we have the German certification VDS and others.

More than 350 multisector solutions successfully implemented in more than 30 countries

Alarm/Video Reception Systems & Alarm Monitoring Platform

M1 - Global Alarm Monitoring System

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F1 - Multi-protocol Alarm Front-End Receiver

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V1 - Multi-protocol Video Receiver

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The ultimate Hypervisor for a centralized management of your building assets

A unique access to data through an ergonomic and customizable interface meeting each user’s needs.

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Technological Partners & Certification.

For more information or a demonstration of our products

Contact us

Une station de secours en un temps record.

Gagner des parts de marché stratégiques.

ESI one of the best developers of monitoring software.