Legal information

Website properties
The term "site" in the following conditions stands for all the services run by ESI throughout these domains:,,,,, and The present site is the exclusive property of ESI, a public company with a capital of 1 001 600 euros, registered at the Companies Registry of Le Cannet under the no 424 035 947 00037, and the headquarters are located at « Sun Eden », 362, avenue du CAMPON, 06110 LE CANNET. ESI is also the editor who operates the site. The publishing director is Mr Claude-Philippe Neri, in his position as legal representative of ESI. The web site hosting company is ESI.

Information concerning the French Freedom of Information Act
The user is notably informed that, in accordance with article 27 of French law, for computer files and freedom Act of 6 January 1978, responses given to forms on the site may be transmitted and exploited by ESI, its subsidiaries and partners, and the user has the right to access and rectify this data by writing to ESI at the following address: Le SUN EDEN, 362, avenue du CAMPON, 06110 - LE CANNET - FRANCE Users of the site “” are required to respect French law for computer files and freedom Act, the violation, of which is punishable by penalties. Concerning the nominative information, that they access on the site, users must notably abstain from collecting information, misappropriate use of information and, as a general rule, any action likely to infringe private lives or reputations.

Users are informed that, during their visits to the site, a cookie may be automatically installed onto their browsers. A cookie is a block of data which does not permit the user to be identified, but which is used to save information regarding the user’s browsing on the site. Browser settings allow the user to be informed of the presence of a cookie and to have the possibility of refusing it as follows: - If you use Internet Explorer as your browser : click on “Tools“, “Internet Options“, “Security“, “Personalize“, “Security Level“, in the “cookie“ section, choose “ask“ or “deactivate“ for the 2 options proposed. - If you use Netscape as your browser: click on “Edit “,“Preferences“, and highlight “Advanced”; choose whatever option desired. The cookie indirectly collects nominative information about the user, the latter also has, the right to access, withdraw and modify such information. The nominative information concerning the user is for the internal use of ESI, its subsidiaries, and its partners.

Submitted information
By submitting information or elements (such as providing information, data, replies, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, projects, orders, requests, etc.) to ESI, by e-mail or through the intermediary of the present site for example, the user agrees that: - The aforementioned elements are not illicit, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, dunfair, inappropriate, dangerous or incorrect in any way at the time of publication. - Before submitting any element, the user will endeavor to analyze the afore-mentioned element and to rid it of any virus or any other contaminating or destructive element. - He/she is the owner of the afore-mentioned element or has the unlimited right to submit it to ESI. ESI can publish it (or any concept described in the afore-mentioned, lement) and/or integrate it into its products without any compensation restriction of use, acknowledgement of its origin, obligation to give account or responsibility. In the event of a dispute, ESI will take legal action against him/her concerning this information. - He/she agrees to take no proceedings against ESI further to the information provided through the website.

Conditions for site access
Users of the site acknowledge having the skills and resources necessary to access and use this site. Access and use of the ESI site requires the following minimum configuration: PC with a monitor of resolution 1024x768 and Internet Explorer 4. The user acknowledges having verified that the IT configuration used does not have any virus and that it is in a good operating state. In addition, before each connection to the ESI site, the user acknowledges having checked that the browser used allows secure access to the site.

Use of the website
The general structure, as well as texts, animated or still images, sounds, knowledge, drawings, graphics and other material from the site are the exclusive property of ESI. Any total or partial reproduction of this website by any means whatsoever without the express permission of the ESI is prohibited and constitutes a counterfeit sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property. Marks of ESI and its partners, and logos appearing on the site are trademarks (semi, figurative or not). Any total or partial reproduction of these marks and any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks and / or logos, made from the site without the express permission of ESI are prohibited within the meaning of Article L .713-2 the Code of intellectual property.

Hypertext links and hyperlinks
Hypertext links set up as part of this website to other resources on the Internet, including partners, have been the subject of a prior, express written consent. ESI is not responsible and does not represent or warrant anything about the items created or published by third parties to which this site offers a link. Users of this website cannot establish a hyperlink to this site without the express consent of ESI.

Limitation of responsibility
The contents of this site come without warranty of any kind. The use of information, tools and services available on this site should occur under the exclusive responsibility of the user. Neither ESI nor its affiliates, employees or other representatives are liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or special, lost profits or business interruption resulting from the use or inability to use this service even if ESI has been advised of such damages ESI will in no case be held responsible for any inaccuracies, delays or failures caused by this site and will not be required to notify users of updates to information. ESI shall not be held liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance on information or service contained on this site, or data that the user has entered on the said site.