The SaaS

An online solutions for remote monitoring and remote assistance

Accommodation for you, in a data center to APSAD P3 standards, the entire suite of ESI you and provides access through an Internet connection. ESI European leader has installed more than 450 monitoring stations and remote assistance spread over more than 30 countries. Designed for increased productivity, ESI software allows you to easily manage all of your sites. They also allow you to offer your customers Web access to their data and accurate reports on your actions.

  • 4 SDA available on our front (IP or ISDN)
  • 1 telephone line for calls recorded
  • An elegant and efficient operator station preinstalled
  • A firewall router
  • Access to alarm management software M1
  • The ability to connect up to 100 clients
  • Access to software MG1 sending mail
  • Access to a comprehensive reporting tool


  • Access via secure connection
  • External server dedicated or shared
  • Cloud hosting in a secure data center APSAD P3

Minimal investment

  • Monthly subscription fixed
  • Included Updates
  • Maintenance costs included

Open solution and multi protocol

  • Availability of the entire software suite ESI
  • video integration
  • audio integration

Rapid implementation

  • Plug and play
  • Assistance 24h/24, 7/7
  • Technical monitoring 24h/24 7/7

For more information or a demonstration of our products

Contact us

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